pressing "Tab"(F3 or “Space-4-5") or to the previous control pressing
“Shift-Tab"(“Space-F3" or “Space-1-2").
The followings are compositions of Twitter Window.
1) Timeline: This represents tweet or retweet of your follows in the
newest registration order.
Timeline appears “A writer Id: Tweet” as follows.
himsintl: Hello. This is HIMS International.
In case of Mention, it appears “Sender ID: @ receiver Id, Tweet” as
Kimjk:@himsintl Hello.
In case of ‘Retweet’, it appears "recommender Id: RT @ writer Id:
Tweet" as follows.
Bill:RT:@robin: Happy birthday!!.
The followings are movement keys used in Timeline.
- Move to the next tweet: Space-4
- Move to the previous tweet: Space-1
- Move to the first tweet on the refreshing list: Space-1-23
- Move to the last tweet on the refreshing list: Space-4-5-6
- Move to the previous 32 list: Space-1-2-6
- Move to the next 32 list: Space-3-4-5
2) Time list: This is a list to display date and time of tweets focused.
Time list is displayed as below.
Friday, January 1, 2011, 3:00 pm
3) Next list: Whenever you launch this function, it can load lists by 32
tweets. You can launch this function pressing hot key, "Enter-n (dots
1-3-4-5)" or "Enter" key on this button.
4) Refresh button: This refreshes Timeline. You can launch "Refresh"
by pressing "Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)" or "Enter" key on the button.