(1) If "Global search" dialog box is launched, “Search word" edit box
appears. You can type the desired word on this edit box.
(2) If you press "Enter", searching tweet starts with “Searching"
(3) If search is successful, immediately search results appear. When
there is no search result, "No search results" message will be
displayed and you will go to the “Search word" edit box.
(4) In the search result list, you can move to user whom you want to
follow, by pressing “Space-4" or “Space-1".
(5) Press "Backspace-a (dots 1)" and then you can follow focused
user. User search
"User search" is a function to search for entered words among user’s
profile, id and name registered in Twitter.
In order to call up the "User Search" dialog menu, press "Backspace-f
(dots 1-2-4)" or launch "User Search" menu located on the sub menu of
“Search" menu, after calling up the menu. It is similar to "Global search"
dialog box.
"User Search" dialog box consists of 5 controls. You can move to the
next control pressing "Tab"(F3 or “Space-4-5") or to the previous control
pressing “Shift-Tab"(“Space-F3" or “Space-1-2").
1) Search word?: As a edit box, you can enter word which you want to
2) Next list: Whenever you launch this function, it can load lists by 20
results. You can launch "Next list" by pressing "Enter-n (dots 1-3-4-5)"
or "Enter" key on this button.
3) Search result: In the list, search results appear such as "User Id:
About me". ‘Search result’ button represents only when there are
search results.
4) Follow User: As a button, you can follow the focused user with this
button. ‘Follow User’ button represents only when there are search
results. Or press "Backspace-a (dots 1)" and then you can follow
focused user.