will meet “Add entry:” Here you can type in the word you want to change
its pronunciation and press “tab (Space-4-5)” then you will meet
“Replacement:” Here you can type in the word you want to hear the
pronunciation and then press “Enter” or press “tab (Space-4-5)” to move
to “Confirm” button and then press “Enter.” The word will be added
completely and the focus will be returned to “Add Word” button. In case
of adding the word by pressing “Space-i (dots 2-4),” newly added word
will be displayed. If you want to cancel this modification, you can press
“Enter” on “Cancel” button or press “Space-e (dots 1-5)” or press
“Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6).”
If you want to modify the registered word, in the list, you can move up or
down by pressing “Space-1” or “Space-4” so that you focus the item you
want to modify. And after moving to “Modify Word” button by pressing
“tab (Space-4-5),” press “Enter.” Or on the item you want to modify, just
press “Space-m (dots 1-3-4).” Then you will meet “Modify entry: (focused
word).” At this time, if you press “tab (Space-4-5)” once, you will meet
“Replacement: (new pronunciation).” Here you can type in the
pronunciation you want to change and then press “Enter.” Or press “tab
(Space-4-5)” again to move to “Confirm” button and then press “Enter.”
Then the word will be modified completely and the focus will be returned
to “Modify Word” button. In case of modifying the word by pressing
“Space-m (dots 1-3-4),” the modified word will be displayed. If you want
to cancel this modification, you can press “Enter” on “Cancel” button or
press “Space-e (dots 1-5)” or press “Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6).”
If you want to delete the registered word, in the list, you can move up or
down by pressing “Space-1” or “Space-4” so that you focus the item you
want to delete. And after moving to “Delete Word” button by pressing
“tab (Space-4-5),” press “Enter.” Or on the item you want to delete, just
press “Space-d (dots 1-4-5).” Then you will meet the prompt, “Delete?
Yes.” If you are sure to delete the item, press “Enter.” Otherwise press
“Space” to switch to “No” and then press “Enter.”
If you want to exit “Pronunciation dictionary,” you can press “Enter” on
“Close” button or press “Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6).”