(Space-4-5)” after entering the recurring interval, the focus will move to a
list box where you can select the day of the week on which the
appointment recurs. You can move between the items in the list box, by
pressing “Space-1” or “Space-4.” To select or unselect the current item,
press “Space”. You can make more than one selection. If you don’t
select any day, it will be set to the today’s day of the week. Press “tab
(Space-4-5)” after selecting the days of the week when the appointments
recurs. Then the focus will move to “Set recurrence end date” check box. Monthly
If you press “tab (Space-4-5)” after setting the “Recurrence to monthly,”
the focus will move to the “Recurring type” combo box. Here, you can
set the recurring type as “Date” or “Day of the week.” To move between
the two options, you can use “Space-1” or “Space-4.” “Date” is used
when you want to set an appointment recurring on the same day of a
month, for example, on the 17
of every month, or every other month.
On the other hand, “Day of the week” is used when you want to set an
appointment recurring on the same week and the day of the week of a
month, for example, on Wednesday of the second week of every month.
After selecting the “Recurring type,” press “tab (Space-4-5)” to move to
the “Recurring interval.” In this field, you set after how many months the
appointment will recur. You can type a number between 1 and 999. If
you press “tab (Space-4-5)” after setting “Recurring interval,” different
fields will be shown depending on what you have selected in “Recurring
type.” If you set the “Recurring type” to “Date,” an edit box will be shown,
where you can type the day of the month when the appointment recurs.
By default the date set in the “Start date” is shown. You can type a
number between 1 and 31. If you press “tab (Space-4-5)” after setting
this, the focus will move to “Set recurrence end date” and you can set
the date in the same way. If you have set the “Recurring type” to “Day of
the week,” you will be asked the “Recurring week” first. You can set this
to “First week,” “Second week,” “Third week,” “Fourth week” or “Last
week.” This is for setting the week of a month when the appointment
recurs. Here if you press “tab (Space-4-5),” the focus will move to a
combo box where you can select the day of the week when the