It shows “Accounts manager”.
Press “Space-4”, move to ““Spam Settings”.
6) Press
It shows “Type: Subject 1/3”. Without calling the menu, you can
also execute to this stage directly by pressing “Enter-e (dots 1-5)”.
Now, you are in the “Spam Settings” menu.
“Spam Settings” contains the following 6 items;
1. Type
2. List
3. Add
4. Modify
5. Delete
6. Close
You can move among the items by pressing “Tab (Space-4-5)” or “Shift-
Tab (Space-1-2).”
In order to exit from “Spam Settings,” move to the “Close” button and
press “enter,” or press “Space-e (dots 1-5)” or “Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6).”
“Type” consists of 3 sub items; “Subject,” “E-mail address string,” and
“Host.” You can move among these sub items by pressing “Space-1” or
“Space-4.” The “list” will be displayed in a different form according to the
sub item of the “Type.”
If you have selected “Subject,” the list will be displayed as “Subject:
(Registered word) 1/xx.” If you selected “E-mail address string,” it will be
displayed as “E-mail address string: (Registered e-mail address string)
1/xx.” It will be displayed as “no items” if there is no registered word or e-
mail address string.
Now we will explain how to register, modify, and delete the spam