3) Type in the carbon copy recipient’s name with your keyboard, or
press “tab (Space-4-5)” to move to “Confirm” and press “enter.”
When you type in the name, you can type it in “Name” edit box directly. If
the address that was typed in is saved, and the dialog box is closed, the
Braille Sense U2 will show you the “CC” item again. Message Control
“Message” shows the message body of the selected e-mail. You can
move to a message by pressing “tab (Space-4-5).” Or, you can read a
message by pressing “enter” when “Subject,” “Date,” or “From” is
displayed. In case of pressing “enter” on “Subject,” “Date,” “From”
controls, you will automatically hear the whole message body, if you
want to stop this reading at this time, just press “Backspace-enter.”
If you want to move the “Subject” while reading the message, press
“Space-e (dots 1-5)”.
When you read the message, all of the control keys are the same as in
the word processor. Attachment Control
You can find and download the attached file at “Attach.” It shows only for
the e-mail that has an attached file. “Attach” is displayed in the form of
“Attach: (attached file name) xx/yy.” The “yy” is the total number of the
attached files to the e-mail and “xx” is the “xxth” attached file.
The following is the procedure to download attachments;
1) Move to the desired file name in “Attach” by pressing “Space-4” or
2) Press “Space” on the file name that you want to download. Then
“*” will be displayed in front of the file name.