1. Call up the program menu: F1
2. Execute the individual program in the program menu F1-”shortcut
key” (varies for each program)
3. Call up the Task Name list: F1-F4
4. Switch to previous program: Space-F2-F3
5. Switch to next program: F2-F3
6. Call up the menu in the individual program: Space-m (dots 1-3-4) or
7. Exit: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)
8. Escape: Space-e (Space-1-5) or F4
9. Move to the next control in a dialog box: Tab (Space-4-5 or F3)
10. Move to the previous control in the dialog box: Shift-tab (Space-1-2 or
11. Move to the previous character: Space-3
12. Move to the next character: Space-6
13. Move to the previous line/item: Space-1
14. Move to the next line/item: Space-4
15. Move to the beginning of line/item: Home (Space-1-3)
16. Move to the end of line/item: End (Space-4-6)
17. Move to the top of a document or to the first item: Ctrl-home (Space-
1-2-3 or F1-F2-up scroll button)
18. Move to the bottom of a document or to the last item: Ctrl-end
(Space-4-5-6 or F3-F4-down scroll button)
19. Move to the previous page or to the first item of the previous 32-item
group: Page up (space 1-2-6 or F1-F2)
20. Move to the next page or to the first item of the next 32-item group:
Page down (space 3-4-5 or F3-F4)
21. Scroll left: Up scroll button
22. Scroll right: Down scroll button
23. Move the cursor to each cell or move to an item: The corresponding
cursor routing key
24. Read the current item again: Space-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
25. Say current time: Space-t (dots 2-3-4-5)
26. Display power status: Space-1-6
27. Call up the “Global options”: Space-o (dots 1-3-5)
28. Online help: Space-h (dots 1-2-5)