Only -P model supports this function.
Prompt Fault When Arming
If the device applies EN standard, by default, the function is
disabled. In this case, the device will not prompt faults during
the arming procedure.
Only -P model supports this function.
Enable Early Alarm
If you enable the function, when the zone is armed and the
zone is triggered, the alarm will be triggered after the delay
The early alarm will be taken effect only after the delayed zone
is triggered.
When the early alarm function is enabled, you should set the
delay time. The alarm will be triggered after the configured
delay time.
Fault Check
The system determines whether to check the faults listed on the
page. The system will only check the fault that is selected.
Detect Network Camera Disconnection
If the option is enabled, when the linked network camera is
disconnected, an alarm will be triggered.
Battery Supervision
If the option is enabled, when battery is disconnected or out of
charge, the device will not upload events.
Wired Network Fault Check
If the option is enabled, when the wired network is
disconnected or with other faults, the alarm will be triggered.
Wi-Fi Fault Check
If the option is enabled, when the Wi-Fi is disconnected or with
other faults, the alarm will be triggered.
Cellular Network Fault Check
If the option is enabled, when the cellular data network is
disconnected or with other faults, the alarm will be triggered.
SIM Card Fault Check
If the option is enabled, the alarm will be triggered for faults of
the SIM card.
Telephone Line Cut Off Detection
If the option is enabled, the alarm will be triggered when the
phone line connected to the PSTN module disconnects.
RS-485 Exception Detection
If the option is enabled, the alarm will be triggered when the
RS-485 bus of device has exception.