1. On the device list page, tap the security control panel and then
log in to the device (if required) to enter the control panel
2. Tap to enter the Scan QR Code page.
3. Tap Add Keyfob.
4. Follow the instruction on the page and press any key on the
keyfob to add.
5. Create a name for the keyfob and tap Finish.
The keyfob is listed in the Wireless Device page.
6. Optional: You can view the keyfob's serial No. and you can also
delete it.
4.4.7 Arm/Disarm the Zone
Arm or disarm the zone manually as you desired.
Axiom security control panel supports one partition.
On the Hik-Connect page, tap a security control device to enter
the control panel management page. Tap Away/Stay/Disarm to
control the partition's status.
You can also tap Clear Alarm to clear the alarm when an alarm is
Figure 4-37 Control Panel Management Page
4.4.8 Bypass Zone
When the partition is armed, you can bypass a particular zone as
you desired.
Before You Start
Link a detector to the zone.
1. On the device list page, tap the security control panel and then
log in to the device (if required) to enter the Partition page.
2. Select a zone in the Zone tab to enter the settings page.
3. Select a zone and enter the Settings page.