Handbook Conventions
English, Revision 09, Date: 13.12.2016
13 Handbook Conventions
In documentations of Götting KG the following symbols were used at the time of print-
ing this manual:
Safety notes
have the following symbols, depending on the emphasis and the
degree of exposure:
Continuative information and tips are identified as follows:
Program texts and variables are highlighted by using the
font ’Courier’
Whenever input of key combinations is required for the operation of programs, the
eys are
ighlighted (in Götting KG programs it is usually possi-
ble to use small and capitalized characters equally).
Sections, figures and tables are automatically numbered consecutively through-
out the entire document. In addition, each document has an index listed behind
the front page, including pages and - whenever the document has more than 10
pages - following the actual system description a figure and table index in the
back. In certain cases (for long and/or complicated documents) a subject index is
Each document provides a table block with metainformation on the front page,
indicating the system designer, author and translator, revision and date of issue. In
addition, the information regarding revision and date of issue are included within
the footer of each page, enabling the exact allocation of the information with a
date and a certain system revision.
The online version (PDF) and the printed manual are generated from the same
source. Due to the consistent use of Adobe FrameMaker for our documentations,
all directory entries (including page numbers and subject index) and cross refer-
ences in the PDF file can be clicked on with the mouse and will lead to the corre-
sponding linked contents.