English, Revision 09, Date: 13.12.2016
Using “(
)isplay Telegram Content“ it is possible to review the generated telegram
(see Figure 14 below). The shown case has a mask value of 0x0000.0fff and the tele-
gram length is 21. Pressing any key generates the return to menu
Serial Output
Figure 14
Menu: „(D)isplay Telegram Content“
Parameter „(
)har Delaytime“ is the so-called Character Delay Time for procedure
3964R (refer to appendix A „Procedure 3964R“ on page 51) and the timeout time for
incoming characters transparent mode (refer to appendix, section B „Procedure
enables choosing between the permanent output according to the set
Data Period
), or output only whenever a Transponder is decoded within the read-
ing range (
enables ’freezing’ the serial output for 0 to 10 telegrams, i. e. the value at the time
of the positioning pulse output is preserved.
S:0007 D:-007 D_Y:+32767 Code: 00000000 Read: 0: N: 0
Frx[/Hz]:66800 Ftx[/Hz]:127990
U[/mV]:24200 I[/mA]:2550 T[Grd.C]:+28 E: 0002 Noise 0
STX 1 Bytes from Position: 1
Delta_Y 2 Bytes from Position: 2
Udif 2 Bytes from Position: 4
CODE 4 Bytes from Position: 6
Usum 2 Bytes from Position: 10
Vcc 1 Bytes from Position: 12
Current 1 Bytes from Position: 13
Temp. 1 Bytes from Position: 14
CodesRd 1 Bytes from Position: 15
Rx-Freq 2 Bytes from Position: 16
Tx-Freq 2 Bytes from Position: 18
STATUS 2 Bytes from Position: 20
(Q)uit Menue