English, Revision 09, Date: 13.12.2016
(S)erial Output
Any changes within this sub menu are activated only after a system reset (switching
the antenna off and on again). Depending on the alterations made, it may become
necessary to use a different baud rate / different text document for the startup of the
monitor (section 5.2.1 on page 31).
Figure 13
Menu: (S)erial Output
switches between 19200 and 38400 Bd.
generates the selection of the corresponding telegram procedure —
3964R, transparent or monitor only. For procedure 3964R it is also possible to set the
acknowledgment delay time
selects between high byte first and high byte last. When using this system
together with a Siemens PLC it is essential, that this parameter is 0 (High Byte first).
enables influencing the structure of the output telegram. The telegram length is
changed automatically.
According to the values given in Table 4 „Data words in a telegram with 21 byte length“
on page 18, it is possible to set the customized contents of the telegram
hexadecimal addition. The parameter sequence cannot be influenced. It is always the
same sequence as shown in the table!
Only the
Lateral Displacement Y
, the
and the
are to be output.
Add, according to the table the values 0x0000.0001,
0x0000.0002, 0x0000.0008 and 0x0000.0800. The result is
0x080b. Therefore the input for the “(
)elegram Content Mask“
is 0x080b.
S:0007 D:+007 D_Y:+32767 Code: 00000000 Read: 0: N: 0
Frx[/Hz]:66800 Ftx[/Hz]:127990
U[/mV]:24200 I[/mA]:2550 T[Grd.C]:+28 E: 0002 Noise 0
(B)audrate: 38400
(P)rocedure 3964R
(O)rder of Data Transfer (0= HiByte first): 0
(T)elegram Content Mask [0..FFF]: 00000fff
(D)isplay Telegram Content
(C)har-Delaytime [1..220ms]: 220
(A)ck-Delaytime (3964R) [1.1680ms]: 1680
Co(n)tinous Telegrams 0
(S)erial Data Period [4.500mS]: 8
(F)reeze Values for n Telegrams:[0..10]: 0
(Q)uit Menue