English, Revision 09, Date: 13.12.2016
(T)ime & Code
This menu enables setting the values for the Transponder decoding, the position cal-
culation and the positioning pulse.
Figure 15
Menu: (T)ime & Code
enables setting the threshold for generating the bit RX_NOISE of the system status
word as described in Table 20 on page 33 under ’Noise’.
it is possible to select which of the two existing receiver channels is used for
the code transfer. Usually this will be the S-channel (sum channel). It is, however, pos-
sible to select the difference channel for reasons of interference minimization.
If you are using the difference channel, the code will fall away in
the middle (at the zero point) within a very limited area.
As the Trovan technology secures the code transmission only via a simple parity
check, two additional security strategies were implemented:
When using RW transponders it is possible to verify the four highest bits via a
preset value (0-F).
enables setting this value, which then has to be pro-
grammed into the transponders together with the code. For entries larger F, this
verification is switched off.
It is possible to choose the number of codes to be compared between 0 and 15
. With
the received code is immediately output, with
the code is com-
pared with the very last code received just before this one, etc. Note, that this
procedure reduces the maximum crossing speed, because the necessary trans-
mission time increases accordingly with (n+1) x 8 ms.
S:0006 D:-006 D_Y:+32767 Code: 00000001 Read: 123: N: 0
Frx[/Hz]:66800 Ftx[/Hz]:127990
U[/mV]:23800 I[/mA]: 600 T[Grd.C]:+28 E: 0800 Noise 0
(B)Level to Noise Error [0..1000]: 1000
(S)elect Code Channel S
(H)igh-Nibble of RW-Code [0..F,>F]: 10
(N)umber of equal Codes [0..15]: 1
(T)hreshold for Decoding [20.1023]: 256
PosiPulse (a)fter Decoding 1
(L)evel for Positioning/Calculation [20.1023]: 256
(P)osi-Pulse Time [n*1ms]: 100
(O)ne Positioning Pulse per Crossing 0
(X) Timed Positioning Pulse 1
Th(r)eshold MAX-Detection [10.1023]: 400
(Q)uit Menue