English, Revision 09, Date: 13.12.2016
activates the remote operation. In this case (independent of the settings of
tinuos Telegrams
) telegrams are no longer generated, but only remote frames with
the corresponding address are answered.
allows to ’freeze’ the output for 0 to 20 telegrams, i. e. the values at the time of the
positioning pulse output are preserved.
allows to switch the byte order of multibyte values.
The CAN status register is displayed in the uppermost line of the menu. This informa-
tion may be used for simple diagnosis.
Figure 19
Screenshot: CANopen menu
In addition to the status line described in the previous section, the state of the CAN
bus is displayed:
Bus online
changes to
Bus offline
if e.g. the CAN bus is un-
plugged or because of a lacking terminator. Besides that the
CAN open Node
are displayed.
Before being able to use the CANopen interface it must be acti-
vated by pressing
. The basic CAN will automatically be dis-
The following keys have a specific function:
the node address in a range from 1 to 127 can be chosen.
by pressing
the listed baudrates can be chosen, the function autobaud is not
implemented. Deviating baudrates and sample points can be configured via the
basic CAN menu (see on page 40).
S:0007 D:-007 D_Y:+32767 Code: 00000000 Read: 0: N: 0
Frx[/Hz]:66760 Ftx[/Hz]:127990
U[/mV]:24200 I[/mA]:2550 T[Grd.C]:+28 E: 0000 Noise 0
CAN offline : / int.Status: ffff
(C)ANopen active 0
(N)ode ID: [1..127]: 1
CAN-(B)aud [20,50,125,250,500,1000 kB]: 125.0
(1) TPDO 1 mode [1..240,255]: 255
(2) TPDO 1 Event time [0,8..32000 ms]: 8
(3) TPDO 1 Inhibit time [0,8..32000 ms]: 0
(4) TPDO 2 mode [1..240,255]: 255
(5) TPDO 2 Event time [0,8..32000 ms]: 8
(6) TPDO 2 Inhibit time [0,8..32000 ms]: 0
(H)eartbeat time [0,10..32000 ms]: 1000
(A)utostart 1
(F)reeze Values for n Telegrams [0..20]: 0
(O)rder of Data Transfer (0= HiByte first): 0
(Q)uit Menue