A - 6 C O M P R E S S O R L E A K
T E S T I N G ( E X T E R N A L A N D I N T E R N A L )
B ench-C heck P rocedure
1. Install Test Plate J 9625 on R ear H ead of
com pressor.
2. A ttach center hose of M anifold G age Set on
C harging Station to a refrigerant drum standing in an
upright position and open valve on drum .
3. Connect C harging Station high and low pressure
lines to corresponding fittings on Test Plate J 9625, using
J 5420 G age A dapters if hoses are not equipped with valve
• Suction port (low-side) o f com pressor has large
internal opening. D ischarge port (hi-side) has sm aller
internal opening into com pressor.
4. Open low pressure control, high pressure control and
refrigerant control on C harging Station to allow refrigerant
vapor to flow into com pressor.
5. Using a Leak D etector, check for leaks at Pressure
Relief Valve, com pressor Shell to cylinder, com pressor front
head seal, and com pressor Shaft Seal. A fter checking, shut
off low pressure control and high pressure control on
Charging Station.
6. If an external leak is present, perform the necessary
corrective m easures and recheck for leaks to m ake certain
the leak has been corrected.
7. Loosen the M anifold G age hose connections to the
Gage A dapters J 5420 connected to the low and high sides
and allow the vapor pressure to release from the com pressor.
8. Disconnect both G age A dapters J 5420 from the Test
Plate J 9625.
9. R otate the com plete com pressor assembly (not the
crankshaft or drive plate hub) slowly several tu rn s to
distribute oil to all cylinder and piston areas.
10. Install a shaft n u t on the com pressor crankshaft if
the drive plate and clutch assembly are not installed.
11. Using a box-end w rench or socket and handle,
rotate the com pressor crankshaft or clutch drive plate on
the crankshaft several tu rn s to ensure piston assembly to
cylinder wall lubrication.
12. C onnect the Charging Station high pressure line or
a high pressure gage and G age A dapter J 5420 to the Test
Plate J 9625 high side connector.
13. A ttach an A dapter J 5420 to the suction or low
pressure port o f the Test Plate J 9625 to open the schrader-
type valve.
Oil will drain out of the com pressor suction port
adapter if the com pressor is positioned w ith the suction port
dow nw ard.
14. A ttach the com pressor to the J 9396 H olding
F ix tu re. Clam p the com pressor H olding Fixture in a
vise so th at the com pressor can be m anually turned w ith a
15. Using a wrench, rotate the com pressor crankshaft
or drive plate hub 10-complete revolutions at a speed of
approxim ately one-revolution per second.
T urning the com pressor at less than one-revolution per
second can result in a lower pum p-up pressure and
disqualify a good pum ping compressor.
16. Observe the reading on H IG H pressure gage at the
com pletion o f the tenth revolution of the com pressor. The
pressure reading for a good pum ping com pressor should be
413.7 kPa
(60 P.S.I.)
com pressor.
344.75 kPa (50 p.s.i.) for the A-6 would indicate one or m ore
suction a n d /o r discharge valves leaking, an internal leak,
or an inoperative valve and the com pressor should be
disassembled and checked for cause of leak. R epair as
needed, reassemble and repeat the pum p-up test. Externally
leak test.
17. W hen the pressure pum p-up test is com pleted,
release the air pressure from the H IG H side and remove the
G age A dapters J 5420 and Test Plate J 9625.
18. Rem ove oil charge screw and drain the oil sump.
19. Allow the com pressor to drain for 10 m inutes, then
charge w ith the proper am ount of oil. The oil m ay be poured
into the suction port.
If further assembly or processing is required, a shipping
plate or Test Plate J 9625 should be installed to keep out
air, d irt and m oisture until the com pressor is installed.
Summary of Contents for 1982 Light Duty Truck
Page 1: ......
Page 28: ...HEATER 1A 3 Fig lA 2 Heater Control C K Models Fig lA 3 Heater Control G Models...
Page 37: ...Fig 1A 11 T E E V A L V E A S M TEE AND VALVE C36...
Page 38: ...HEATER 1A 13 Fig 1A l2 Distributor Ducts G Models Fig 1A l5 Control Assembly G Models...
Page 39: ...1A 14 HEATER V IE W A V IE W B Fig 1A l7 Control Cable Routing G Models...
Page 42: ...HEATER 1A 19 Fig 1A 23 Auxiliary Heater Hose Routing...
Page 56: ...AIR CONDITIONING IB 13 Chart 1B 4 Pressure Cycling CCOT System Diagnosis...
Page 64: ...Fig 1B 17 C60 System Vacuum Diagram C K Series...
Page 65: ......
Page 66: ...Fig 1B 19 C60 Motor Home Chassis Wiring Diagram SWITCH AIR CONDITIONING IB 2 3...
Page 67: ...IB 24 AIR CONDITIONING Fig IB 20 1 P A C Harness Wiring...
Page 68: ...AIR CONDITIONING IB 25 VIE W A Fig IB 21 A C Compressor wiring...
Page 76: ...AIR CONDITIONING IB 33 Fig 1B 26 Compressor Mounting...
Page 91: ...IB 48 AIR CONDITIONING Fig 1B 59 C K Models Refrigerant Lines L6...
Page 150: ......
Page 162: ......
Page 164: ...2D 2 BODY Fig 2D 4 Typical Utility Vehicle Model...
Page 182: ...2D 20 BODY Fig 2D 51 Rear Door Controls Fig 2D 52 Rear Door Outside Handle and Lock Cylinder...
Page 193: ...BODY 2D 31 BELTS 3RD SEAT Fig 2D 82 Seat Belt Installation Suburban Driver Seat Suburban...
Page 194: ...2D 32 BODY Fig 2D 85 Passenger s Bucket Seat Chassis Cab...
Page 195: ...BODY 2D 33 Fig 2D 88 Rear Bench Seats Suburban...
Page 196: ...2D 34 BODY Fig 2D 89 CK Utility Seat Attachments...
Page 197: ...BODY 2D 35 Fig 2D 90 Seat Separator Compartment and Door CK Models...
Page 222: ......
Page 223: ...BODY 2D 61 Fig 2D 139 Front Seat Belt Installation...
Page 228: ......
Page 234: ......
Page 252: ...3B2 8 MANUAL STEERING GEAR Fig 3B2 11 Manual Steering Gear Exploded View...
Page 256: ......
Page 273: ...POWER STEERING SYSTEM 3B3 17 with LE3 Engine Exc HC4 LE4 LG9 LF4 LS9 LT9 and JB7 HC4 and JB8...
Page 342: ......
Page 389: ...REAR SUSPENSION 3D 7 Fig 3D 17 Rear Spring Installation C K Models...
Page 428: ...4 B 1 4 REAR AXLE Fig 4B 8 Gear Tooth Nomenclature Fig 4B 9 G ear Tooth Contact Pattern Check...
Page 444: ......
Page 454: ......
Page 468: ...4 B 5 2 REAR AXLE Fig 4B5 2 Rockwell Assembly...
Page 480: ...4 B 5 1 4 REAR AXLE...
Page 482: ...i...
Page 502: ......
Page 520: ......
Page 533: ...Fig 5 5 Front Brake Pipes and Hoses C K Models BRAKES 5 13...
Page 534: ...Fig 5 6 Front Brake Pipes and Hoses G M odels 5 14 B R A K E S...
Page 535: ...Fig 5 7 Front Brake Pipes and Hoses P Models BRAKES 5 15...
Page 536: ...5 16 BRAKES Fig 5 8 Rear Brake Hoses...
Page 538: ...5 18 BRAKES Fig 5 10 Parking Brake System Typical...
Page 539: ...BRAKES 5 19...
Page 570: ...5 50 BRAKES Fig 5 57 Power Steering Hose Routing C K Models...
Page 571: ...BRAKES 5 51 Fig 5 58 Power Steering Hose Routing G Models...
Page 572: ...Fig 5 59 Power Steering H ose Routing P Models 5 52 BRAKES...
Page 604: ......
Page 625: ...NOTES ENGINE 6 21...
Page 626: ......
Page 629: ...IN LINE 6 6A1 3 OIL PRESSURE SENDING UNIT Fig 6A1 1 In Line Engine Lubrication...
Page 630: ...6A1 4 IN LINE 6 Fig 6 A l 2 P Series Engine Front Mount...
Page 631: ...IN LINE 6 6A1 5 Fig 6Al 3 P Series Engine Rear Mount Fig 6 A l 4 C Series Engine Rear Mounts...
Page 634: ...6A1 8 IN LINE 6 Fig 6Al 7 K Series Engine Rear Mount...
Page 660: ......
Page 663: ...SMALL BLOCK 6A4 3 Fig 6A4 T Engine Lubrication...
Page 664: ...6A4 4 SMALL BLOCK Fig 6A4 2 Engine Lubrication...
Page 665: ...Fig 6A4 3 P Series Engine Mount Bracket...
Page 667: ...SMALL BLOCK 6A4 7 Fig 6A 4 5 P Series Engine Front Mount...
Page 668: ...6A4 8 SMALL BLOCK...
Page 669: ...SMALL BLOCK 6A4 9 Fig 6A 4 7 K Series Engine Mounts...
Page 670: ...6A4 10 SMALL BLOCK Fig 6A 4 8 C Series Engine Mounts...
Page 703: ...MARK IV 6A5 7 Fig 6A 5 6 P Series Engine Front Mount...
Page 704: ...6A5 8 MARK IV Fig 6 A 5 7 C Series Engine Mounts...
Page 731: ...6 2 DIESEL 6A7 3...
Page 760: ...6B 6 ENGINE COOLING Fig 6B 7 A C and A I R Adjustment...
Page 771: ...ENGINE COOLING 6B 17 Fig 6B 20 Engine O il C o o le r 6 2L Diesel...
Page 784: ......
Page 807: ...CARBURETOR MODEL 2SE 6C2 9 Fig 6C2 6 Typical 2SE Carburetor Assembly...
Page 820: ......
Page 830: ...6C4 10 CARBURETOR MODEL M4ME M4MC 101368 Fig 6C4 12 M 4M C M 4M E Carburetor Exploded View...
Page 848: ......
Page 876: ......
Page 888: ...6D 12 ENGINE ELECTRICAL Fig 6D 6C Generator Mounting Fig 6D 7C Generator Mounting...
Page 919: ...ENGINE ELECTRICAL 6D 43...
Page 934: ...Fig 6D 8E Starter M otor Mounting...
Page 974: ......
Page 1011: ...Figure 350C 25A Neutral Engine Running AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 350C 11...
Page 1054: ...Fig 7A 1C 400 Autom atic Transmission Side Cross Section Typical...
Page 1152: ...700 R4 40 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Figure 700 R4 76 Transmission Assembly Exploded View...
Page 1162: ......
Page 1189: ...89MM MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7B3 5 Fig 7 3 4 4 Speed 89mm Exploded View...
Page 1219: ...CLUTCH 7C 5 Fig 7C 6 C K Truck Clutch Controls...
Page 1220: ...Fig 7C 7 G Truck Clutch Controls...
Page 1221: ...CLUTCH 7C 7 Fig 7C 8 P Truck Clutch Controls...
Page 1234: ...7E 2 TRANSFER CASE Fig 7E 1 Model 208 Transfer Case Cross Section...
Page 1252: ...7E 20 TRANSFER CASE Fig 7E 39 Transfer Case Attachment Typical...
Page 1278: ...8A 16 ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS Fig 8A 11 License Plate Lamps C K Series...
Page 1280: ...8A 18 ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS VIEW A VIEW B Fig 8A 15 CK Series Rear Lamp W iring...
Page 1281: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 8A 19 Fig 8A 16 CK Series Auxiliary W iring...
Page 1290: ...8B 8 ELECTRICAL AND WIRING Fig 8B 13 Seat Belt Reminder System Schematic...
Page 1292: ......
Page 1346: ...8C 54 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 46 CK Series W iring 3 of 29...
Page 1351: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 59 SUBURBAN Fig 8C 51 CK Series W iring 8 of 29...
Page 1364: ...8C 72 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 64 CK Series W iring 21 of 29...
Page 1365: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 73 CAB CRFW CAB CHASSIS Fig 8C 65 CK Series W iring 22 of 29...
Page 1366: ...8C 74 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 66 CK Series W iring 23 of 29...
Page 1374: ...8C 82 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 74 G Series W iring 2 of 19...
Page 1375: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 83 Fig 8C 75 G Series W iring 3 of 19...
Page 1376: ...8C 84 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 76 G Series W iring 4 of 19...
Page 1379: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 87 Fig 8C 79 G Series W iring 7 of 19...
Page 1383: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 91 Fig 8C 83 G Series W iring 11 o f 19...
Page 1384: ...8C 92 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES BUS BARGWO Fig 8C 84 G Series W iring 12 of 19...
Page 1390: ...8C 98 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 90 G Series W iring 18 of 19...
Page 1391: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 99 Fig 8C 91 G Series W iring 19 of 19...
Page 1392: ...8C 100 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 92 P Series W iring 1 of 11...
Page 1393: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 101 Fig 8C 93 P Series W iring 2 of 11...
Page 1396: ...8C 104 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES Fig 8C 96 P Series W iring 5 of 11...
Page 1399: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 107 Fig 8C 99 P Series W iring 8 of 11...
Page 1401: ...INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GAGES 8C 109 START RUN OF LOCK ACC Fig 8C 101 P Series W iring 10 of 11...
Page 1415: ...ACCESSORIES 9 13 RADIO NOISE BLOWER MOTOR Fig 9 6R Radio Diagnosis Chart B...
Page 1416: ...9 14 ACCESSORIES D E A D R A D IO A M R A D IO I Fig 9 7R Radio Diagnosis Chart C...
Page 1417: ...ACCESSORIES 9 15 DEAD RADIO AM FM RADIO Fig 9 8R Radio Diagnosis Chart D...
Page 1435: ...t f l i t 1...