Internal Assignment
Select the internal ISDN interface to which your data device,
which operates according to the X.31 transmission standard
(data transmission over the D channel), is connected.
5.2 User Settings
In this menu, you configure and administer your system's users. The users are organised
into authorisation classes to which the desired external lines are assigned, and which may
use performance features according to request. The user assigned to an authorisation
class receives an internal number and specific authorisations. A default authorisation
class (Default CoS) is preset ex-works, to which new users are automatically assigned.
After it's been defined in User Settings which functions and authorisations a user, or sev-
eral users, have access to, authorisation of user settings is assigned to a terminal in menu
Terminals. In this way, its possible to create settings for several terminals via an author-
isation class, e. g. a user setting
, a user setting
1 %"
and a user set-
. Now, all that's left to do is assign the corresponding terminals to one of these
Class of Service.
5.2.1 Users
In the Numbering->User Settings->Users you configure the users of your system, their
class, and assign them internal and external numbers.
You see an overview of the users that have been created. The entries in the Name
column are sorted alphabetically. Click the column title of any other column to sort entries
in ascending or descending order
Choose the
icon to edit existing entries. Select the New button in order to create new
users. Basic Settings
Enter basic user information in the Numbering->User Settings->Users->Basic Settings
The Numbering->User Settings->Users->Basic Settings menu consists of the following
Fields in the Basic Settings menu
Gigaset Communications GmbH
5 Numbering
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition