Fields in the Global Options menu
UDP Destination Port
Enter the port to be monitored by the LNS on incoming L2TP
tunnel connections.
Available values are all whole numbers from
, the
default value is
, as specified in RFC 2661.
UDP Source Port Se-
Select whether the LNS should only use the monitored port
(UDP Destination Port) as the local source port for the L2TP
The function is enabled with
The function is disabled by default.
13.3 PPTP
The Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol (=PPTP) can be used to set up an encrypted PPTP
tunnel to provide security for data traffic over an existing IP connection.
First a connection to an ISP (=Internet Service Provider) is set up at both sites. Once
these connections are available, a tunnel is set up to the PPTP partner over the Internet
using PPTP.
The PPTP subsystem sets up a control connection between the endpoints of the tunnel.
This is used to send control data to set up, keep alive and terminate the connection
between the two PPTP tunnel end-points. As soon as this control connection is set up, the
PPTP transfers the traffic data packed in GRE packets (GRE = Generic Routing Encapsu-
13.3.1 PPTP Tunnels
A list of all PPTP tunnels is displayed in the PPTP Tunnels menu. New
Click on New to set up further PPTP partners.
The VPN->PPTP->PPTP Tunnels->New menu consists of the following fields:
Fields in the PPTP Partner Parameters menu
Gigaset Communications GmbH
13 VPN
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition