Internal Assignment
Only for Assignment =
Select the internal sub-
Use Add to add more internal numbers.
8.9 Voice Mail System
The voicemail system is an intelligent answering machine for those who use your hybird.
An individual voicemail box can be configured for each extension. All subscribers can
hear, save or delete their messages from any telephone using a personal PIN code.
Subscribers can have themselves informed of incoming e-mails. Recorded messages can
be automatically transferred to any e-mail address.
General settings of the voicemail system are performed on your hybird. Operation of the
individual voicemail boxes occurs via telephone.
Every subscriber can use her individual voicemail box by transferring calls to her voice-
mail box.
If you wish to use a voicemail box, you'll need an installed SD card. You
may need load the required folder structure with the announcement texts on
the SD card. Choose in the Maintenance->Software &Configuration menu
the option
1 @ $ 4 5!
Do not remove the SD card during any read or write access to avoid losing
data or damaging the card. Watch the relevant LED on the top of the device:
it will flicker during any read or write access.
8.9.1 Voice Mail Boxes
In the Applications->Voice Mail System ->Voice Mail Boxes menu, a list of the individu-
al voicemail boxes for specific subscribers is displayed, insofar as voicemail boxes have
been configured.
8 Applications
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition