You want a caller to be accepted already at call signalling and not to hear the ringing tone.
That's no problem if you're using automatic call acceptance for team calls. In this case,
the caller is automatically accepted by the system and hears an announcement or system
music-on-hold. During this time, the call is signalled to the entered team subscribers. If a
subscriber takes the call, the connection to the caller is established.
If a team is called, it can be defined in configuration that the call is automatically accepted,
and that the caller hears an announcement or music. The target subscriber(s) are called
during this time. After the receiver is picked up, the announcement or music is turned off
and the subscribers are connected to each other.
Possible settings for automatic call acceptance:
: All assigned terminals are called simultaneously. If a terminal is busy,
call waiting can be used.
: All assigned terminals are called in the sequence of their entry in configura-
tion. If a terminal is engaged, the next free terminal is called. The call is signalled ca. 15
seconds per subscriber. This period can be set between 1 and 99 seconds (per team) in
the configuration. If subscribers are on the phone or logged out, there is not forwarding
time for these.
: This call is a special case of the linear call. After all terminals are called, call
signalling begins again with the first entered terminal. The call is signaled until the caller
replaces the receiver or the call is ended by the exchange (after ca. 2 minutes).
: The terminals are called in the order of their entry in the subscriber list. Every
terminal that has already been called is called again, until all entered terminals are
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: Rotating or linear is set for the team call.
After defined times have run out, all team subscribers can be called in parallel
(simultaneously). Example: A precondition is that the sum of forwarding times is larger
than the time parallel after time. There are 4 subscribers to a team. The forwarding
time for each subscriber is 10 seconds, 40 seconds in total. The time parallel after time
is set to 38 seconds. Every subscriber will be called. If a subscriber logs out of the team
or is engaged, forwarding time is only 30 seconds, after which the parallel after time
call is no longer made.
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: Even distribution corresponds to Sig-
nallingRotating and insures that all team subscribers receive the same number of
calls. For every subscriber who has ended a call, a Wrap-up Time (0...999 seconds) is
set up for the team/subscriber, during which she receives no more calls. Calls received
by the subscriber on his number rather than via the team and self-initiated calls are not
included in the even distribution calculation. Even distribution begins with the subscriber
who hasn't received calls for the longest time, on restart with the first subscriber entered
in the subscriber list. A subscriber who has logged out of the team (code number or
function key) is no longer taken into account for the even distribution. After a system
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