Under Local Services->DNS->Global Settings->Basic Parameters you enter the IP ad-
dresses of name servers that are queried if your device cannot answer requests itself or
by forwarding entries. Global name servers and name servers that are attached to an in-
terface can both be entered.
Your device can also receive the global name servers dynamically via PPP or DHCP and
transfer them dynamically if necessary.
Strategy for name resolution on your device
A DNS request is handled by your device as follows:
If possible, the request is answered directly from the static or dynamic cache with IP
address or negative response.
Otherwise, if a suitable forwarding entry exists, the relevant DNS server is asked, de-
pending on the configuration of the Internet or dialin connections, if necessary by set-
ting up a WAN connection at extra cost. If the DNS server can resolve the name, the
information is forwarded and a dynamic entry created in the cache.
Otherwise, if name servers have been entered, taking into account the priority con-
figured and if the relevant interface status is "up", the primary DNS server is queried
and then the secondary DNS server. If one of the DNS servers can resolve the
name, the information is forwarded and a dynamic entry created in the cache.
Otherwise, if a suitable Internet or dialin connection is selected as the standard inter-
face, the relevant DNS server is asked, depending on the configuration of the Inter-
net or dialin connections, if necessary by setting up a WAN connection at extra cost.
If one of the DNS servers can resolve the name, the information is forwarded and a
dynamic entry created in the cache.
Otherwise, if overwriting the addresses of the global name servers is allowed in the
WAN->In Dialup menu (Interface Mode =
), a connection is set up
– if necessary at extra cost – to the first Internet or dialin connection configured to
enable DNS server addresses to be requested from DNS servers ( DNS Negotiation
), if this has not been already attempted. When the name servers have
been negotiated successfully, these name servers are then available for more quer-
Otherwise the initial request is answered with a server error.
If one of the DNS servers answers with
, the initial request is im-
mediately answered accordingly and a corresponding negative entry is made in the DNS
cache of your device.
Gigaset Communications GmbH
15 Local Services
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition