dress. The addresses are initially assigned in order. If a new dial-in takes place within an
interval of one hour, an attempt is made to allocate the same IP address that was as-
signed to this partner the previous time. Edit or New
Choose the New button to set up new IP address pools. Choose the
icon to edit exist-
ing entries.
The menu WAN->In Dialup->IP Pools->New consists of the following fields:
Fields in the menu Basic Parameters
IP Pool Name
Enter any description to uniquely identify the IP pool.
IP Address Range
Enter the first (first field) and last (second field) IP address of
the IP address pool.
DNS Server
Primary: Enter the IP address of the DNS server that is to be
used, preferably, by clients who draw an address from this
Secondary: Optionally, enter the IP address of an alternative
DNS server.
12.2 Real Time Jitter Control
When telephoning over the Internet, voice data packets normally have the highest priority.
Nevertheless, if the upstream bandwidth is low, noticeable delays in voice transmission
can occur when other packets are routed at the same time.
The real time jitter control function solves this problem. So that the "line" is not blocked for
too long for the voice data packets, the size of the other packets can be reduced, if re-
quired, during a telephone call.
12.2.1 Controlled Interfaces
In the WAN->Real Time Jitter Control->Controlled Interfaces a list of functions is dis-
played for which the Real Time Jitter Control function is configured.
Gigaset Communications GmbH
12 WAN
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition