without this connection having to be actively accepted by the latter (pick up receiver or
switch on loudspeaker/hands-free). As soon as a telephone has accepted the announce-
ment, the connection is active. The announcer and the called subscriber initially hear a
positive acknowledge tone. Announcement duration is unlimited.
Announcements are possible to ISDN and analogue telephones if these support the an-
nouncement performance feature. Please refer to the user's guide for your telephones to
determine whether the performance feature is supported.
Announcements can be allowed or denied to telephones via a code number.
System telephones
Announcement to and from system telephones is possible. System telephones can initiate
an announcement via the system telephone menu or using a programmed function key. If
the announcement is initiated via a function key, notifications appear in your telephone
display as with a normal connection and the announcement key LED is switched on. The
announcement can be ended by renewed pressing of the function key or by pressing the
loudspeaker key. The LED switches off again at conclusion of the announcement.
If a system telephone is the destination for an announcement, the number of the announ-
cer appears on the display. The announcement is signalled with a positive acknowledge
tone over the loudspeaker. The announcement can be terminated with the ESC key.
A function key with associated LED can also be set up on a system telephone to deny or
allow announcements.
Individual announcement
You can initiate the announcement in a selective manner by dialling an internal number.
The announcement can be allowed or denied by the destination subscriber via an operat-
ing procedure. The announcement is signalled to the destination subscriber and the an-
nouncer with a positive acknowledge tone.
Team announcement
An announcement can also be made to a team by dialling a team number. The team sub-
scribers hear the announcement simultaneously. The announcement is signalled to the
destination subscribers and the announcers with a positive acknowledge tone. The an-
nouncement to a team is also possible from an inquiry. With a team announcement, it can
take up to four seconds before the connection to the individual team subscribers is estab-
lished. The announcement then proceeds to the team subscribers who have accepted the
announcement within this period.
Gigaset Communications GmbH
5 Numbering
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition