only these addresses to be updated in the SAs without the SAs
themselves having to be renegotiated.
The function is enabled by default.
Note that MobIKE requires a current IPSec client, e. g. the cur-
rent Windows 7 or Windows 8 client or the latest version of the
bintec elmeg IPSec client.
Proxy ARP
Select whether your device is to respond to ARP requests from
its own LAN on behalf of the specific connection partner.
Possible values:
(default value): Deactivates Proxy ARP for this
IPSec peer.
: Your device only responds to an ARP re-
quest if the status of the connection to the IPSec peer is
(active) or
(dormant). In the case of
your device only responds to the ARP request; the connec-
tion is not set up until someone actually wants to use the
: Your device responds to an ARP request only if
the status of the connection to the IPSec peer is
i.e. a connection already exists to the IPSec peer.
IPSec Callback
bintec elmeg devices support the DynDNS service to enable hosts without fixed IP ad-
dresses to obtain a secure connection over the Internet. This service enables a peer to be
identified using a host name that can be resolved by DNS. You do not need to configure
the IP address of the peer.
The DynDNS service does not signal whether a peer is actually online and cannot cause
a peer to set up an Internet connection to enable an IPSec tunnel over the Internet. This
possibility is created with IPSec callback: Using a direct ISDN call to a peer, you can sig-
nal that you are online and waiting for the peer to set up an IPSec tunnel over the Internet.
If the called peer currently has no connection to the Internet, the ISDN call causes a con-
nection to be set up. This ISDN call costs nothing (depending on country), as it does not
have to be accepted by your device. The identification of the caller from his or her ISDN
number is enough information to initiate setting up a tunnel.
To set up this service, you must first configure a call number for IPSec callback on the
passive side in the Physical Interfaces->ISDN Ports->MSN Configuration->New menu.
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