8.4.3 General
In the menu Applications->System Phonebook->General you define the user name
and password for system phone book administration. In the phone book area, the admin-
istrator can view and modify the phone book, as well as import and export data.
The Applications->System Phonebook->General menu consists of the following fields:
Fields in the Basic Settings menu
Web Access User-
Enter a user name for the system telephone book administrat-
Web Access Password Enter a password for the system telephone book administrator.
Delete Phonebook
If you wish to remove the existing system phone book with all
of its entries, enable the option Delete. You will then be asked
for confirmation Do you really want to delete all entries of
the phonebook?. Confirm your entry by clicking OK.
8.5 Call Data Records
In the Applications->Call Data Records menu, you configure the recording of incoming
and outgoing calls.
The capture of call data records provides an overview of the telephone usage in your
All external calls can be saved in the device in the form of call data records. These data
records contain important information about the individual calls.
You must enable recording of connection data in the Numbering->User Settings->Class
of Services->Applications menu. The function is not activated in the ex works state.
8.5.1 Outgoing
The Applications->Call Data Records->Outgoing menu contains information that per-
mits the monitoring of outgoing activities.
The Applications->Call Data Records->Outgoing menu consists of the following fields:
8 Applications
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition