External numbers at the point-to-point connection
For a point-to-point connection, you receive a PBX number together with a 1-, 2-, 3- or
4-character extension number range. This extension number range comprises the direct
dial-in numbers for the PBX connection. If you've requested several point-to-point connec-
tions, the number of extensions can be expanded, or you receive another PBX number
with your own extension number range.
With a point-to-point connection, external calls are signalled to the subscriber whose as-
signed internal number corresponds to the dialled extension number. You configure the
internal numbers to be reached directly via direct dial-in of the extension numbers as In-
ternal Number in the menu Numbering->User Settings->User->Add->Trunk Numbers -
>Internal Numbers.
Example: You have a point-to-point connection with the PBX number
and extension
numbers from
. A call under
is normally signalled at the internal sub-
scriber with call number
. However, if you enter extension number
in this list, you
can define that calls under
are signalled at the internal subscriber by call num-
External subscriber numbers at point-to-multipoint connection
For a point-to-multipoint connection, you can request up to 10 numbers (MSN, multiple
subscriber number) per ISDN connection. These MSNs are the external subscriber num-
bers for your ISDN connections. Definition of the internal number occurs under Number-
ing->User Settings->User->Add->Trunk Numbers . Edit or New
Choose the
icon to edit existing entries. Choose the New button to create new num-
The Numbering->Trunk Settings ->Trunk Numbers ->New menu consists of the follow-
ing fields:
Fields in the Basic Settings menu
Select the connection defined in Numbering->Trunk Settings -
>Trunks for which to perform the number configuration.
Type of Number
Select the call number type to be defined according to connec-
tion type.
Gigaset Communications GmbH
5 Numbering
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition