17.4 SNMP
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol from the IP protocol family
for transporting management information about network components.
Every SNMP management system contains an MIB. SNMP can be used to configure,
control and administrate various network components from one system. Such an SNMP
tool is included on your device: the Configuration Manager. As SNMP is a standard pro-
tocol, you can use any other SNMP managers, e.g. HPOpenView.
For more information on the SNMP versions, see the relevant RFCs and drafts:
• SNMP V. 1: RFC 1157
• SNMP V. 2c: RFC 1901 - 1908
• SNMP V. 3: RFC 3410 - 3418
17.4.1 SNMP Trap Options
In the event of errors, a message - known as a trap packet - is sent unrequested to monit-
or the system.
In the External Reporting->SNMP->SNMP Trap Options menu, you can configure the
sending of traps.
The menu External Reporting->SNMP->SNMP Trap Options consists of the following
Fields in the Basic Parameters menu
SNMP Trap Broadcast-
Select whether the transfer of SNMP traps is to be activated.
Your device then sends SNMP traps to the LAN's broadcast
The function is activated by selecting
The function is disabled by default.
SNMP Trap UDP Port
Only if SNMP Trap Broadcasting is enabled.
Enter the number of the UDP port to which your device is to
send SNMP traps.
17 External Reporting
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