Enter the IP address of the primary and secondary DNS serv-
15.1.5 Cache
In the Local Services->DNS->Cache menu, a list of all available cache entries is dis-
You can select individual entries using the checkbox in the corresponding line, or select
them all using the Select all button.
A dynamic entry can be converted to a static entry by marking the entry and confirming
with Make static. This corresponding entry disappears from the list and is displayed in the
list in the Static Hosts menu. The TTL is transferred.
15.1.6 Statistics
In the Local Services->DNS->Statistics menu, the following statistical values are dis-
Fields in the DNS Statistics menu
Received DNS Packets Shows the number of received DNS packets addressed direct
to your device, including the response packets for forwarded
Invalid DNS Packets
Shows the number of invalid DNS packets received and ad-
dressed direct to your device.
DNS Requests
Shows the number of valid DNS requests received and ad-
dressed direct to your device.
Cache Hits
Shows the number of requests that were answered with static
or dynamic entries from the cache.
Forwarded Requests
Shows the number of requests forwarded to other name serv-
Cache Hitrate (%)
Indicates the number of Cache Hits pro DNS request in per-
Answered Queries
Shows the number of successfully answered requests (positive
and negative).
Server Failures
Shows the number of requests that were not answered by any
15 Local Services
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition