The Call Routing->Outgoing Services->Direct Call->New menu consists of the follow-
ing fields:
Fields in the Basic Settings menu
Enter a description for the entry.
Direct Call Number
Enter the number to be automatically dialled if no number is to
be dialled for a certain time after the receiver has been picked
7.1.2 Call Forwarding
In the Call Routing->Outgoing Services->Call Forwarding menu, you configure call for-
warding of external calls for an internal subscriber.
You are temporarily away from your office, but don't want to miss a call. With call forward-
ing to another number, e.g. your mobile, you can receive your calls even when you are
not at your desk. You can forward calls on your number to any call number. It can occur
Immediately, On no reply or On Busy. Call forwarding On no reply and On Busy can
exist concurrently. If you are not near your telephone, for example, the call is forwarded to
another number (e.g. your mobile phone) after a short period. If you are making a call at
your desk, other caller may receive the busy signal. You can forward these callers e.g. to
a colleague or the secretary by using call forwarding on busy.
Every internal subscriber to the system can forward her calls to another number. Calls can
be forwarded to internal subscriber numbers, internal team numbers or external numbers
When the number to which calls shall be forwarded is entered, the system automatically
checks whether it's an internal or external number.
In a team, call forwarding can be set up for one subscriber in the team. This call continues
to be signalled to the other team subscribers. Call forwarding to an internal or external
subscriber is performed in the system.
Call forwarding to an internal number is performed in the system. If an internal call to an
external number is to be forwarded, forwarding also occurs in the system. Here, the con-
nection is on the bundle cleared for the subscriber doing the setup. If call forwarding oc-
curs via an ISDN connection, one B channels remains in use; in case of forwarding from
external to external, it's both B channels. Two possibilities exist for call forwarding of an
external call to an external number:
• Call forwarding in the exchange: Call forwarding is conducted at the exchange if only
one subscriber is entered in the call allocation for an external call. For call forwarding in
Gigaset Communications GmbH
7 Call Routing
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