Internet Key Exchange Select the version of the Internet Exchange Protocol to be
Possible values:
(default value): Internet Key Exchange Protocol Ver-
sion 1
: Internet Kex Exchange Protocol Version 2
Authentication Method
Only for Internet Key Exchange =
Select the authentication method.
Possible values:
6! " ?!
(default value): If you do not use certific-
ates for the authentication, you can select Preshared Keys.
These are configured during peer configuration in the IPSec
Peers. The preshared key is the shared password.
>3 3
: Phase 1 key calculations are authentic-
ated using the RSA algorithm.
Local ID Type
Only for Internet Key Exchange =
Select the local ID type.
Possible ID types:
5 I" #5I&
' ""!!
6@- ""!!
3 ' #!! " &
: Any string
Local ID
Only for Internet Key Exchange =
Enter the ID of your device.
For Authentication Method =
3 3
>3 3'
the option Use Subject Name from certificate is dis-
When you enable the option Use Subject Name from certific-
ate, the first alternative subject name indicated in the certificate
13 VPN
Gigaset Communications GmbH
hybird 120 Gigaset Edition