Trans former :-
Meets 4.5kVolt Hi-Pot Tests.
Ra di ated EMI :-
De signed to meet FCC Part 15.
Setup :-
En tirely via front panel key board which is used to set and dis play
the AC TUAL set tings.
Re fer to the In stal la tion sec tion of this man ual for de tails of the
28 settable pa ram e ters that es tab lish the GS8920’s op er at ing
per son al ity and ticket print ing style.
Phys i cal :-
All metal enamel fin ished desk mount ing en clo sure.
Size :-
300mm wide * 260mm deep by 100mm high.
Unit weight :-
5.8kg. Shipping weight 7.2kg.
En vi ron ment :-
-10C to +40C Op er ating; -15C to +70C Stor age;
to 95%RH non con dens ing.
Power :-
100/120/220/240VAC -+ 10% 49 to 62Hz 80VA.
(spec ify volt age at or der)
Rear Panel :-
Power ca ble ap pli ance re cep ta cle: Fuse and fuse holder;
9 pin D fe male se rial in put con nec tor: Cut out and blank ing plate for
op tional se rial out put.
Ca bles :-
Power ca ble 3m long. ( Aus tra lian de liv ery only. )
1 metre in ter con nect ing ca ble, GS8920 Printer to Gedge Sys tems
in di ca tors.
4 .2 Fac tory In stalled Op tion.
Cal en dar/Clock to pro vide time and date on all print outs
plus ad di tional bat tery sup ported RAM to pro vide item en try
and price com put ing on all print outs.
4 .3 Field In stalled Op tions.
EIA RS-232C and RS-422A SE RIAL OUT PUT. Two sin gle chan nel
ASCII se rial out puts. 600 to 19200 Baud. User settable char ac ter of
10 bits com pris ing :- 1 start, 7 data with the 8th bit b7 set as even
par ity or as a 0 plus 2 stop bits. 25 pin fe male D con nec tor.
Op tional CC02 mat ing ca ble con nec tor avail able.
4 .4 Or der ing Guide.
GS8920 Ticket Printer.
Spec ify mains volt age and if re quired, Op tion
If the GS8920 is to be con nected to a To ledo weight in di ca tor,
check the avail abil ity of that fa cil ity in the GS8920’s de liv ered to
your coun try.
Al ways sup plied loose for user in stal la tion. Mating ca ble con nec tors
NOT sup plied as stan dard. Or der CC02 for Op tion P1.
GS8920 Intelligent Ticket Printer.