5 .1 Def i ni tion.
In the fol low ing, Buyer shall mean the orig i nal pur chaser of the equip ment sup plied by Gedge
Sys tems. Seller shall mean Gedge Sys tems, the man u fac turer of the equip ment.
5 .2 Ex tent.
This ex press war ranty shall ex tend be tween Buyer and Seller only and shall cover all claims and
costs dur ing the war ranty pe riod be tween Buyer and Seller only, and, ex cept for war ranty of ti tle, is in
lieu of all other war ran ties, whether ex pressed or im plied, in clud ing the im plied war ran ties of fit ness
for a par tic u lar pur pose and mer chant abil ity. Seller shall not be li a ble for any spe cial, in ci den tal or con -
se quen tial dam ages re sult ing from a breach or al leged breach of this war ranty.
5 .3 War rants.
The Seller war rants to the Buyer that the equip ment shall be man u fac tured by good work man ship
of ma te ri als free of de fect and that such equip ment when used and in stalled in ac cor dance with the
Seller’s in struc tion man u als shall per form in ac cor dance with the equip ment’s spec i fi ca tions.
5 .4 Re pair/Re place/Ex cep tions.
The Seller shall re pair or re place at its dis cre tion, free of charge, any equip ment or op tion which is
re turned to its fa cil ity within twelve (12)months of ship ment to the Buyer, and which upon ex am i na tion
proves to be a man u fac tur ing de fect. The war ranty does not ap ply to any equip ment that has been :-
A. Re paired or mod i fied by other than a duly au tho rized re pair fa cil ity.
B. In stalled or ad justed not in ac cor dance with the equip ment’s man ual.
C. Mis han dled, abused or which in the Seller’s sole judg ment has been ex posed to an en vi ron ment
for which the equip ment was not de signed.
5 .5 Shipping Costs.
This war ranty ap plies to equip ment re ceived at the Seller’s fa cil ity,freight pre paid by the Buyer,
and does not in clude re turn freight to the Buyer’s pre mises.
GS8920 Intelligent Ticket Printer.