1 .6 Ex am ples of the GS8920’s Tickets and Lists.
1 .6 .1 Enhanced Printing and Zero Suppression
The GS8920 may be set up at installation to
print all normal characters from 1.6mm high to
3.6mm high by 1.6mm wide with an interline
spacing settable from 0.7mm to 7.9mm.
In addition to being able to change the height of
the GS8920’s normal printing and the interline
spacing, the printed data may be further
enhanced by setting the GS8920 to print the
weight values, the permanent ID number and the
ticket heading either in normal size print; in
double normal wide print; in double normal high
print or in double wide/double high print.
The GS8920 may be set up to suppress (blank)
leading zeros in the weight, in the transaction
and rolling print counters and in the ID numbers.
The example here shows a ticket where double
wide/double high printing and zero suppression are
used. This ticket shows also the 5 by 7 dot matrix
character of the GS8920 printing. The examples that
follow later in this manual were generated on a laser
printer using the GS8920’s serial output.
GS8920 Intelligent Ticket Printer.
Fig.1-17 GS8920 Enhanced Printout Example.
Fig.1-18 GS8920 Character Size/Style Examples.