1 .5 Using and En tering Al pha Names.
1 .5 .1 General
The GS8920’s memory has space allocated for up to 50 alpha/numeric general purpose names each of
12 characters long. Any of these 50 names may be assigned as descriptions to any of the GS8920’s 50
accumulators. It is not necessary to assign name number 10 to accumulator 10. Name number 10 may,
for example, be assigned to accumulators 1, 7, 23, 45 and 50: or, to just one accumulator, say 19.
In addition to being used as accumulator descriptions, certain of the alpha names may be used as ticket
headings for a company name and as descriptions for up to 6 ID numbers. The alpha names numbered
49 and 50 are always used as the ticket header with name 49 printed first and, if there are two lines of
headers, name number 50 second. When these names are used as ticket headers they may be printed
‘enhanced’ as double wide, double high or double high/double wide.
The alpha names numbered 40 to 45 inclusive can be used as descriptions for the first 6 ID numbers
which may be printed at the top of a ticket.
Access to the alpha name table and descriptor/name assignments may be locked out by a remote user
installed key switch, in which case, any attempt to access the alpha routines results in the message
being displayed and access being denied.
A list of all active names may be obtained as well as a list of the name assigned to each of the 50
1 .5 .2 Accessing the Alpha Name Routines
The alpha name routines are accessed, if not locked out, by entering a material code number, as
described below, in the range 101 to 150.
The message
is then displayed.
Keying :-
produces a list of every name in the table. Up to 50 names along with their reference number
are printed. Names which are just spaces are not printed.
produces a list of each of the 50 accumulators including the name or code number assigned to
accesses the alpha name entry routine and immediately displays the first character of the
selected name.
1 .5 .3 Descriptors for ID numbers.
The names numbered 40 to 45 are printed as descriptors, in that order, with the first 6 ID numbers
which are printed. This facility is set up during installation of the GS8920 and cannot be changed
during normal operation of the GS8920 although the names used as descriptors can be changed as
shown below. An example of the use of this facility would be 4 numbers entered for each ticket to
denote the truck driver, the truck, the gate number and supplier number, as shown below :-
Truck No.
Driver No.
Gate No.
Sup plier No.
These ID numbers and descriptions may not be printed in “enhanced” size. They are always printed
“normal” size.
In each case, the entire description “Truck No.” was entered into the alpha name table.
GS8920 Intelligent Ticket Printer.