Type :-
EIA RS - 232C or 20mA Ac tive Cur rent Loop Se rial Data au to mat i cally
de tected by the GS8920. The GS8920’s 20mA Cur rent Loop in put is
pas sive re quir ing an ac tive trans mit ter in the weight in di ca tor.
Baud Rate :-
600 to 19,200 bits per sec ond au to mat i cally de tected by the GS8920.
Par ity :-
Even or none au to mat i cally de tected by the GS8920.
Source :-
Only Gedge Sys tems dig i tal weight in di ca tors fit ted with
Op tion 02 or Op tion 05 as well as ap pro pri ately equipped
A&D and To ledo In di ca tors.
Type :-
Stan dard 8K by 8bits CMOS with bat tery sup port ex pand able by
an ad di tional 2K by 8bits CMOS with bat tery sup port and
Cal en dar/Clock by the ad di tion of Op tion
Buffer Size :-
Print buffer 2400 char ac ters, Se rial In put buffer 1K byte.
Ac cu mu la tors :-
50 with each com pris ing :-
Three 12 digit weight reg is ters for Gross, Tare and Net.
One 6 digit ma te rial code reg is ter to gether with the pro vi sion for
user en tered 12 char ac ter ma te rial de scrip tions.
One 12 digit trans ac tion coun ter.
One date when last cleared reg is ter.
Plus, where Op tion
is fit ted :-
Three 12 digit reg is ters for To tal Weight, Quan tity and To tal Price.
Tare Reg is ters :-
Fifty 6 digit tare weight reg is ters which are au to mat i cally as signed
for “weigh in” and “weigh out” and au to mat i cally cleared af ter be ing
used for “weigh out”.
ID Num bers :-
One 6 digit per ma nent ID num ber reg is ter which may be printed
as 1 six digit num ber or as 2 three digit num bers or 3 two digit
num bers plus the pro vi sion of up to 9 ad di tional tem po rary 6 digit
ID num bers with the first 5 hav ing as sign able user en tered
12 char ac ter de scrip tions.
Se cu rity Reg is ter :-
1 com pris ing :-
Three 12 digit weight reg is ters for Gross, Tare and Net.
One 12 digit roll ing num ber print coun ter.
One 12 digit trans ac tion coun ter.
One date when last cleared reg is ter.
Plus, where Op tion
is fit ted :-
Three 12 digit reg is ters for To tal Weight, Quan tity and To tal Price.
Sum ma tion Reg is ter :-
One com pris ing a 12 digit weight reg is ter and
a 2 digit sum ma tion coun ter.
Al pha Name Ta ble :-
One ta ble of 50 names each of 12 char ac ters. Any name in the name
ta ble can be as signed to any of the 50 ac cu mu la tors as a ma te rial
code. One name can be as signed to any num ber of ac cu mu la tors.
Two of the names in the name ta ble can be used as ticket head ings
and may in clude com pany names.
Five of the names may be used to pro vide de scrip tions for the first
five tem po rary ID num bers.
In ter lock In put :-
1 op ti cally cou pled in put at 5VDC to 30mA. This in put may be
con nected to a re mote keyswitch which can be used to in hibit ac cess
to the ac cu mu la tors and se cu rity reg is ters by un-author ised per son nel.
Sealable In ter lock :-
1 com pris ing 2 pins on the in put con nec tor which
may be wire/lead sealed in place for Weights and Mea sures pur poses.
GS8920 Intelligent Ticket Printer.