Where to place the print ing on a ticket :-
2 .4 .3 .17 Line Justification.
The GS8920 can print the lines of type so that the lines are all aligned at the left hand side (left
justified) or so that they are all aligned at the right hand side (right justified). Adjustable
right or left justification.
2 .4 .3 .18 Side Margin.
SidE 11
The GS8920 normally starts a line of 24 printed characters fully to the left or fully to the right of its 35
character print head. The location of left or right is set up by the line justification parameter above.
The GS8920 can allow up to 11 character spaces in from the left or the right before printing, thereby
providing a left side or right side margin. Adjustable
2 .4 .3 .19 Page Justification.
P.Ju ri
The GS8920 can print lines of type going forwards by drawing the ticket into the printer mechanism.
When printing this way, the lines of type are always placed to the right side of a wide ticket and this is
called right page justification. The GS8920 is also able to print tickets in the reverse (inverted)
direction and in so doing to place the lines of type so that they are on the left hand side of a wide
ticket. This is called left page justification. Adjustable
for right or left page justification.
2 .4 .3 .20 Top Margin, Normal
The GS8920 can commence printing normal tickets either at the top of the ticket as shown in the ticket
layout drawing OR commence printing from 0 to 30 normal line spaces down the ticket as set by this
parameter. (This parameter does NOT set the top margin for printed lists.) Adjustable
(GS8920 models shipped prior to issue 0 version 8 have top margin settable 0 to 15)
2 .4 .3 .21 Top Margin, Lists
The GS8920 will commence printing lists at the top of the ticket or page as shown in the ticket layout
drawing. The GS8920 can be set to commence printing lists up to 5 normal line spaces down from the
top of the ticket/page. ( This parameter does NOT set the top margin for normal tickets. ). Adjustable
Note :- If the Page Justification parameter is set to Left then the minimum top margin for normal
tickets and for lists will be 2 lines or more even if the top margin parameter is set to less than 2 lines.
The maximum top margin is unaltered and will be 30 lines for normal tickets and 5 lines for lists.
2 .4 .3 .22 Top Margin Adder
t.Ad 09
The GS8920 has been designed to print a “weigh out” ticket on a ticket which has already been printed
with the “weigh in” information. Accordingly, the ticket must be advanced forward more than a normal
ticket so that the pre-printed information is not over printed. This margin advance is added to the
normal top margin which is set above. If the “weigh out” is to be printed on a new ticket rather than
the “weigh in” ticket then setting the “top margin adder” to 0 will cause the GS8920 to print a page
header at the top of the ticket. The page header is not printed whenever the “top margin adder” is
greater than zero as it will already have been printed on the “weigh in” ticket. Adjustable in steps of 2
Num ber of Copies and Ticket Ejec tion.
2 .4 .3 .23 Copy
The GS8920 is able to print up to 2 copies and one original in one printing pass provided that the
paper from which the ticket is constructed is designed for multiple copies and the ticket does not
exceed a total thickness of 0.35mm. Where thick or non copying paper must be used for the ticket,
multiple copies can be obtained by multiple print operations. The GS8920 Ticket Printer can be set to
print from 0 to 4 additional copies which, including an original, provides up to a total of 5 copies. The
GS8920 will not allow copies to be printed unless this parameter is set 1 to 4. Adjustable
OFF, 1
Note : - Copies do not appear on the remote printer via Option P1.
GS8920 Intelligent Ticket Printer.