Detector III
label the measuring points (only then can a measuring point be clearly
If you are using the RFID add-on for the Detector (see also "Automatic
assignment of RFID tags to measuring points
"), make sure that all
measuring points have been assigned RFID tags.
Please ensure before each round of measurements
that the measured data stored from the previous round of measurements are
transferred to the computer, as these will be overwritten by new data (only after
being warned accordingly),
that the proper configuration for the system to be measured has been
transferred to Detector.
that the battery is charged.
Fix vibration sensor at measurement point
The measurement sensor is placed with a magnet at the measurement point.
Therefore the measurement point should have a good metallic contact with
bearing and shaft. If this is not possible due to the housing material (e.g.
aluminum), attach an iron plate or a washer the size of the magnetic at the
measuring point. This is easiest done with the help of a fast-curing superglue (e.
g. cyan acrylate glue).
Place the sensor as "soft" as possible. Take the sensor tightly in your hand and
set it with an edge on the measurement point. Then tilt the sensor over the edge
on the measuring point.
After the measurement, you can remove the sensor by tilting it over one side.
6.7 CM measurement
CM measurement procedure
1. First select the measuring point on the Detector at which you wish to perform
the measurement. You can use the optional RFID reader for this purpose (see
also ""Automatic assignment of RFID tags to measuring points"