The measured values ob tained during the trial run as well as the
attached test weight are only saved once you have provided the
Values are OK
confirmation with
the Enter button
. Once this
confirmation has b een given this step of the b alancing
measurement can b e read out in Trendline.
After the last trial run, the program displays suggestions for weights to apply.
Next step: display coefficients and attach balance weights
6.8.4 Display coefficients and apply balance weights
Display coefficients
The Detector displays the influence coefficients from the test measurements in
this overview. These are used to calculate the balance weights. They describe the
change in vibration in relation to a weight and have vibration unit / weight unit as
their unit of measurement, for example µm/g. For 1-plane balancing, there is only
one coefficient, while two coefficients are determined per sensor position for two
Applying balance weights
Damage caused by balancing with weights that are too heavy
If you are operating a machine with b alance weights that are too
heavy, the resulting imb alance can cause severe damages to the
machine and injuries to the operating personnel. It is therefore
imperative that you ob serve any warnings from the Detector and
operate the machine only within the operating margins specified b y
the manufacturer.
In the
Apply weight
menu the Detector shows which balancing weights are
calculated for the respective plane. If the suggested values exceed the safety
limits, the Detector will return a warning:
If the previous balancing procedure was a trial run and the test weight was
removed, the safety limit will be twice the weight of the test weights.
In all other cases, the safety limit is three times the weight of the test weights.