Trendline 3
In the three-dimensional view, the pitch at the measuring points is displayed on
an asymptote. At each measuring point, the vibration signal is shown in the pitch
of the amplitude and with the phase angle of the signal around the asymptote.
This makes phase leaps immediately recognizable.
Cursor tools
: In 3D display mode, the base and difference cursor of the FIS
Viewer are available. For each measuring point selected using the cursor, the
diagram shows the values for phase/amplitude of the signal as well as the
pitch at the reference point. If the difference cursor is activated, the
corresponding difference values between the selected measuring points are
also shown.
: The display can be rotated around the x and y-axis using the middle
mouse button. If you also hold down the "Shift" key, the graph will only be
rotated around the x-axis; holding down the "Ctrl" key will rotate the graph only
around the y-axis.
: You can zoom in on or out from the graph using the mouse wheel.
Reset picture
: Click on
to reset the picture to the standard values (60%
size, 45° rotation around the x-axis, 30° rotation around the y-axis).
Export job
You can export a measuring job as a table in CSV format (each column is
separated by a semicolon):
Select the desired measuring job and click on
Export selected job in .csv
File name
and select the path and file name.
Click on