Detector III
In b alancing measurements the last coefficient provided b y the
Trendline will b e kept, so the trial run will not b e restarted at the
next b alancing process. In amplitude/phase measurements all
measurement points that are saved to a configuration or free
measurement will b e deleted also.
6.14 System messages and their meaning
Error message
Cause of the fault / solution
Sensor error
An error occurred during
the initialization phase of
the measuring process.
With activ e sensors: the
measured bias v oltage
is not w ithin the specified
The sensor (or sensor cable) is defectiv e or not properly
If the v oltage is not w ithin the v alid range for activ e sensors,
this may be because:
the sensor is not connected,
the sensor has short circuited,
the sensor has a defectiv e cable,
the set bias v oltages
are w rong for the sensor being
For more detailed troubleshooting, perform a ICP sensor test
Measuring point is
crossed out
The current measuring
point has a data error.
You cannot start this
measurement. If y ou try
to start the
measurement, the "CRC
error" message is
display ed.
If there are still measured data sav ed in the Detector, use
Trendline to collect them. Only those measurements are
transferred that do not hav e an data error. Measurements
w ith data errors are lost. The send a new configuration to
the Detector.
ov ermodulated!
Please measure
The measurement
amplifier settings are
optimized before the
measurement is carried
out. If the strength of the
measured signal
increases after this
setting increases, the
input may become
ov ermodulated.
If this error occurs, y ou must repeat the measurement. If this
error occurs frequently y ou are probably carry ing out
measurements at a machine that is turning quite slow ly (<
120 rev olutions per minute). The Detector is not designed to
carry out these kinds of measurements.
sensor and sw itch
it on
Before performing a
measurement y ou w ill
be prompted to connect
If y ou are using a Ray tek sensor and its sw itch is ON,
sw itch it off and on again.