Displaying the diagram information bar with the keyboard
1. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+I to display the diagram information bar.
The diagram information bar appears.
Displaying frequency bands
The diagram data in an FFT diagram contain important frequency bands from
which characteristic values may be determined. The frequency bands which are
defined by the higher-level application are highlighted in color in the diagram.
These frequency bands cannot be edited in the Trendline Viewer but can be
displayed or hidden as required. Frequency bands are only displayed in FFTs.
Double-click on a frequency band to zoom in. If
Select characteristic value in
trend diagram
is enabled, clicking on a frequency band automatically selects the
appropriate signal in the trend diagram.
Frequency bands are only displayed in FFTs.
1. To activate or deactivate a frequency band in an FFT diagram click the checkbox
in front of the preferred frequency band in the list.
The frequency bands selected are displayed in the diagram as colored fields
You can switch the display of all frequency bands in an FFT diagram on or off via
the context menu in the frequency band information window.
1. Right click the mouse at any desired point in the frequency band window in the
diagram information bar.
2. Click
Select all
in the context menu to display all available frequency bands.
3. Click
Remove all
in the context menu to remove all available frequency bands
from the diagram.
The frequency bands are displayed or removed depending on the setting.