If you delete a CM datab ase, all configuration and measured
data will b e removed irreversib ly!
You cannot interrupt the delete process!
4.5.7 Back up database
You can back up database(s) as follows:
To make a backup of a database, you have to detach the database from the
database server (see "Detach database"
Windows Explorer
and choose the directory where the database files are
Copy both the MDF and the LDF file of the database, which you want to back up,
to da different location.
For b ackup, it is essential that you copy b oth datab ase files!
Therefore always copy the MDF and the LDF file.
4.6 Bearing database
The Trendline database provides you with data on the most widely used bearings
for use in your individual configuration (see Setting up measuring point
You can also add your own bearings
to the existing bearing data.
Furthermore, the Trendline bearing database also includes a group
administration feature
which you can use, for example, to group bearings of
different makes that have similar characteristics.
Bearing database
to open the bearing database.
Select the database as described in "Select database"
. The name of the
included bearing database is "CM_BEARINGS". If you set it up during software
installation, it is automatically opened when you call the bearing database for the
first time. The program uses the default user name and the default password.
The bearing database opens.