Sensor settings
Select acceleration sensor
: Select the sensor used from the sensor database
Trigger settings
Select trigger sensor
: Select the trigger sensor used from the sensor
Resend data settings
If you would like to repeat an amplitude/phase measurement, you can resend the
configurations to the Detector, including the measured data and any comments
that have been entered. During the measurement, the Detector replaced the
existing measured values with the current measured values. This is only done for
the measurement points that have actually been measured again. New
measuring points are attached to the measurement job. After the measurement,
you can select a new comment from the Comment list
on the Detector. During
the transfer to Trendline, the repeated measurement is added to the configuration
as a new measuring job. The data from the previous measurement are therefore
fully retained.
: You resend a measuring job to the Detector with the measuring
points MP1-MP5. If you now use the Detector to remeasure MP1 and MP2,
the measured values at MP1 and MP2 are replaced. If you remeasure at a
new MP6 measuring point, the measured value is attached to the job. After
transferring the data to the Trendline, you will find the complete
measurement as a new measurement job in the corresponding
configuration in the Trendline software.
To repeat a measurement, activate the
Resend measurement job
and select the consecutive number of the desired measurement job.
For further information under Send configuration
Measured data
You can view the measured data in this area once a Amplitude / phase
measurement is complete and the data have been transferred to the Trendline
software from the Detector.