Detector III
The following data is displayed:
Top left
The v alue of the highest peak is display ed in the current w indow .
Top center
This show s the zoom factor, w hich can be changed by pressing the Enter button
(zoom in) and Esc button
(zoom out). The zoom factor can be set to 0.1x – 0.4x –
1x – 2x – 4x – 8x . With a zoom factor of 8x it is possible to read the frequency v alue
for each peak. When pressing the Esc button
in the FFT ov erv iew w indow (zoom
factor 0.1x ), the Detector leav es the FFT display and returns to the time signal display .
Top right
From the
When the
sy mbol is display ed, the auto-scaling mode is enabled. If so, the peaks
in a w indow are scaled in a w ay to fit the largest peak in the display . If the sy mbol is
not show n, the scaling remains the same for all screens and zoom factors. Press the
function button to enable/disable auto-scaling. When sw itching off auto-scaling, the
zoom factor is set back to 0.1x .
Top right
This character show s w hich FFT is display ed:
a: acceleration
v : v elocity
d: demodulation
Below the FFT
Here y ou can see the frequency range of the w indow , w hich is currently being
display ed. Press the cursor key
to scroll left or right resp. This does not
w ork w hen the zoom factor is 0.1x , because the w hole frequency range is already
show n.
FFTs are only displayed on the Detector to give a first quality
assessment of measured data. The detailed analysis is performed
with the Trendline software.
6.7.4 Multiple measurements
You can measure the same measuring point multiple times using the Detector.
For this select a measurement which you have already measured and measure
again like described before. After the measurement, press the Enter button
save the data. Then the following menu appears: