FIS Viewer
and sidebands are removed from the display.
Show vertical lines
Switched on
the harmonics and sidebands are
identified in the diagram using the cursor symbol and a
vertical line.
Switched off
the harmonics and sidebands are
identified using only the corresponding cursor symbol.
Modifying the properties of the revolutions cursor
In addition to the general cursor options described in Modify the cursor properties
you can also modify the additional option for the revolutions cursor – this is
described below. To do this, activate or deactivate the appropriate fields in the
dialogue window or enter the appropriate value in the input field.
Enter a rotational speed [rpm] in the input field. The Trendline
Viewer uses this value to calculate the corresponding frequency
and positions the revolutions cursor at the appropriate location in
the diagram.
5.3.8 Other tools
Copying a diagram as a graphic to the clipboard
You can use this tool to copy the current diagram view to the clipboard.
1. Click on the
Copy diagram to clipboard
2. Switch to the application in which you would like to insert the image.