Zoom tools
Tool & symbol
Free zoom
You can use the
Free zoom
tool to enlarge any giv en rectangular area
on the x - and y -ax is w ithin a diagram.
Horizontal zoom
You can enlarge any part of a diagram in a horizontal direction using
Horizontal zoom
tool. The range of v alues and scaling of the y -
ax is remain unchanged.
Vertical zoom
You can enlarge an area inside a diagram in a v ertical direction using
Vertical zoom
tool. The range of v alues and scaling of the x -ax is
remain unchanged.
Keyboard zoom
You can use the
Keyboard zoom
feature to enlarge an area of the
diagram using the key board instead of the mouse.
Specifying zoom selection in dialogue window
In addition to using the various zoom tools you can also specify the zoom
selection via a dialogue window. To open the dialogue window which is currently
active click on the zoom tool symbol.
Cursor tools
You can specify the values from a diagram to be used for an analysis with the