rotational speed. Next, it displays the resulting measurements.
Here you can enter a comment, either accept these measurements or discard
them and repeat the measurement.
For balancing you will usually need more than one run. If the result is not
sufficient after the trim run, the Detector returns to the Balancing menu. You can
now reduce imbalance in two ways:
Use the existing influence coefficients and apply balancing weights calculated
with these coefficients again.
If you repeat the steps of applying weights and trim run with
existing influence coefficients and you notice that the imb alance
does not improve, this is a sign that the influence coefficients are
no longer good and that you need to re-determine them with a
new trial run.
If the amplitudes measured at all sensor positions in the trial run are smaller
than the balancing threshold defined in Trendline (
balancing OK at
), the
balancing process is finished. The Detector displays the table of results
displaying the last measured values and the balancing threshold. Then, the
Detector returns to the menu, where you can select a new measuring point.
The measured values ob tained during the trim run, the coefficients
calculated and attached weights are only saved once the
are OK
confirmation has b een provided using
the Enter button
Once this confirmation has b een given this step of the b alancing
measurement can b e read out in Trendline.