Page O-13
Repair and Service Manual
Read all of Section B and this section before attempting any procedure. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions and Warnings.
Tool List
DVOM.......................................................................... 1
Check For Loose or Bare Wires
Check for loose wires at each terminal connection and
for worn insulation or bare wires touching the frame.
Bare wires may cause a short circuit.
If any DVOM readings indicate a faulty wire, it is recom-
mended that the condition of the terminals and wire junction be
examined. A faulty wire should be replaced with one of the
same gauge and color and wired between the correct compo-
nents and wire tied to the harness bundle. The faulty wire
should be cut back close to the harness and the ends pro-
tected with vinyl electrical tape.
Check Battery Condition
Check for adequate battery volts (nominal 12 VDC) by
setting DVOM to 30 VDC range and place the red probe
(+) on the battery post with the green wire attached.
Place the black probe (-) on the battery post with the
black wire attached. A reading of 11 VDC or greater indi-
cates adequate battery condition. No reading indicates
(a) a poor connection between the probes and the bat-
tery terminals; (b) a faulty DVOM. A voltage reading be-
low 11 volts indicates poor battery condition and the
vehicle should be recharged before proceeding with the