Page F-6
Repair and Service Manual
Read all of Section B and this section before attempting any procedure. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions and Warnings.
Clipboard and Steering Wheel
(Ref Fig. 6) (Ref
Fig. 7) (Ref Fig. 8)
Tool List
Socket, 24 mm.............................................................1
Ratchet ........................................................................ 1
Torque Wrench ............................................................ 1
Plastic Faced Hammer ................................................1
Ball Peen Hammer ...................................................... 1
To maintain correct orientation when replacing steering wheel,
first turn wheels straight ahead.
To prevent damage to the clipboard perform the following
removal procedure.
Do not use a screwdriver to push
or pry the retaining tabs.
1. Pull straight up on the lower edge of the clipboard to
release the two retaining tabs.
2. Using thumb for leverage as shown, reach from
underneath the steering wheel with fingertips to first
pull down, and then push up to release the two top
clipboard retaining tabs
Fig. 6 Clipboard Removal
3. Loosen the steering wheel retaining nut two or three
Do not remove nut at this time.
4. Apply upward pressure to the steering wheel by plac-
ing a plastic faced hammer against the steering wheel
retaining nut. Strike the plastic faced hammer sharply
with a ball peen hammer.
Do not strike the steering
wheel retaining nut or the end of the steering shaft
directly with the ball peen hammer.
Fig. 7 Loosen Steering Wheel
5. When steering wheel is loosened, remove steering
wheel retaining nut (1) and steering wheel (3).
6. Coat steering shaft splines lightly with a commercially
available anti-seize compound.
7. Make sure that wheels are positioned straight ahead.
8. Align the steering wheel (3) on the steering shaft and
push into place.
Fig. 8 Steering Wheel
9. Install steering wheel retaining nut (2).
10. Inspect the four retaining tabs on the clipboard (1) for
white stress lines. If stress lines are present, replace
11, 17, 18
20 - 25 ft. lbs (27 - 34 Nm)
20 - 25 ft. lbs (34 - 41 Nm)
Steering Wheel
Step 1
Step 2