Removing diaphragm blockages:
Blocked reference system for reference electrode diaphragms can be mechanically
cleaned (does not apply to IsFET pH sensor, teflon diaphragms or open ring electro-
Use a small key file.
Only file in one direction.
Check for air bubbles in the glass electrode:
air bubbles indicate incorrect installation. Therefore check the installation position:
Permitted: 15° to 165° to the horizontal.
Not permitted: horizontal installation or installation with the plug-in head pointing
Check for reference system reduction:
The inner metal lead of the reference system (Ag/AgCl) of a combination electrode or a
separate reference electrode is usually light-brown and matt. A silver-coloured refe-
rence system is reduced and therefore defective. The cause is a current flowing through
the reference element.
Possible causes:
Incorrect operating mode of the measuring instrument (PM pin connected, but still
unsymmetrical operating mode ("without PML") selected. See functional description,
Field A6 on p. 32.
Shunt in measuring cable (e. g. through humidity) between reference line and groun-
ded screen or PM line.
Measuring instrument defective (shunt in reference input or entire input amplifier
downstream of PE).
Preliminary redox calibration work
A soiled or coated redox electrode can be cleaned mechanically:
Carefully use mechanical means to clean metal pins or surfaces which have deposits
on them, e.g. with fine abrasive sheets or a glass fibre brush.
Do not clean redox measuring surfaces chemically. After chemical cleaning, e.g. with
acid, a redox electrode requires a long period before it reaches a stable operating
point again.
Execution of calibration
The different types of calibration and their execution are described from page 82.