DL8000 Preset Instruction Manual
Revised February-2016
Communications Protocols
Request Transaction
Storage Status
Retrieves the transaction and batch storage status. It can be issued at
The transaction or batch sequence number is a unique four-digit number
(from 0 to 9999) the system assigns to transactions or batches. You cannot
reset the sequence number. The system stores fewer than 10,000
transactions or batches, depending on the configuration. Transaction or batch
numbers roll from 9999 to 0.
The system computes the sequence number for the newest
stored as:
(Oldest Transaction sequence Number of Transactions stored
– 1) % 10000
The system computes the sequence number of the newest
stored as:
(Oldest Batch sequence Number of Batches stored – 1)
% 10000
is the C language modulus operator.
On warm up booting, the DL8000 calculates the current transaction and batch
record lengths. If the current transaction record length does not equal the
stored transaction record length [61,0,120], the system raises a transaction
configuration error [61,0,133]. If the current batch record length does not
equal the stored batch record length [61,0,126], the system raises a batch
configuration error [61,0,134].
If a transaction is not authorized, then a user program enables you to change
configuration. If you change any history configuration related to archiving
transaction, then the system sets a transaction configuration error [61,0,133].
If the configuration change is related to the batch, then the system sets a
batch configuration error [61,0,134].
If you change the configuration for Storage Memory Full Alarm Configuration
[61,0,130], Archive Batches Per Transaction [61,0,145], or Requested Max
Transactions [61,0,146], the system does not set a transaction or batch
history error, since those changes do not impact memory structure or history.
Flags Immediately Set
Flags Immediately
Transaction history module is not running in the